Swiss ATC - test page

Getting started
About us

Swiss ATC

Swiss ATC is a software which simulates Air Traffic Control where both pilots and controller are involved. Pilots run a flight simulator (there is support for X-Plane currently) and controllers use our ATMC / Radar Client software package.

Components of our software:

ATMC (Air Traffic Management Client): simulates a real air traffic controller workstation. It connects to an ATMS to gather radar data.

ATMS (Air Traffic Management Server): The ATMS receives radar data from simulated planes. For example from one or more running X-Plane sessions which send their position over the network.

Swiss-ATC-plugin: Program which runs on the side of the flight simulator adding, extending or replacing the network communication abilities of the flight simulator, so it can deliver and receive all data required to simulate ATC, such as plane positions.
